Fridays at 5: Climate Action Hour

Our maiden event, this webinar focused on the sweeping Climate Roadmap legislation signed into Massachusetts law in 2021, committing our state to net zero emissions by 2050. Expert speakers described the new law and the opportunities for individuals, businesses and municipalities to take meaningful action on climate.   Watch Recording

FalCAN to Host Free Screening of David Attenborough: A Life in Our Time

Falmouth Climate Action Network (FalCAN) will host a free, public virtual screening of the film, David Attenborough: A Life in Our Time on Thursday, November 11, at 6:30 p.m. The highly acclaimed film highlights the urgent need to act on the climate crisis, and provides a message of hope for future generations. A post-film discussion...

Join Falcan to Discuss the Film, Don’t Look Up! | March 4th

Falmouth Climate Action Network (FalCAN) invites you to join an online discussion of the entertaining film with a very serious message, Don't Look Up! on Friday March 4th from 7 to 8 pm via Zoom. Participants are asked to watch the 2 hr 12 minute film available on prior to the discussion, and tune...

Climate Book Club | June 16th, 2022

Falmouth Public Library, Hermann Room

Climate Book Discussion Rescheduled! Join FalCAN on Thursday, June 16th at 7:00 PM at the Falmouth Public Library for a discussion of the popular and thought-provoking "cli fi" novel, The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson. The book is great fodder for discussion of climate impacts and solutions. Please join the discussion even...

Climate Book Club | September 15th, 2022

Falmouth Public Library, Hermann Room

Speed & Scale: Technology expert, engineer, investor, and best-selling author John Doerr lays out a ten-step plan for averting climate catastrophe. The book gives us the opportunity to discuss real-world solutions developed by innovators, policymakers, and entrepreneurs, and how those ideas can be brought to scale. FalCAN's CLIMATE BOOK CLUB Thursday, September 15th, 2022 7:00...

FalCAN Webinar: How cool are passive homes? What does it mean for your carbon footprint?

Falmouth Public Library, Hermann Room

Join John Rodenhizer (JSR Adaptive Energy Solutions LLC) and Christian Valle (The Valle Group) as they show us how passive home constructions works and how it really is cost effective and can reduce your energy bills and your carbon footprint. Local passive homeowners will share their experiences. A hybrid event, 1:00 - 3:00 pm, live...

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