Important Update from the Energy and Climate Committees of the Cape and Islands (ECCCI)

The Energy and Climate Committees of the Cape and Islands just published a June 2024 report on town advances (Green Communities, EV Integration, PV installed, et al.).  Have a look at an up-to-the-minute snapshot of climate action in Orleans and neighboring towns! 


Does the Town’s Fleet includes EVs?

  Orleans is one of 8 reporting Yes, while 8 towns currently report No.

Does the Town has town-funded public EV?

Orleans is one of 12 reporting Yes. 4 towns currently report No.

Charger total for all Cape towns is  8 Level 2 and 27 Level 3 chargers

Has the Town has performed energy assessments on all municipal facilities?

9 towns have done so. Orleans is one of 2 towns that had not yet completed assessments as of Spring 2023.

Town buildings converted to electric heat pumps? Orleans has not done so. Falmouth has completed conversion of Town building.

Three other towns are in process.

Has the Town Adopted Stretch Code?

Yes. Orleans is one of 16 towns adopting the Stretch Code.

Has the Town Adopted Opt-In Specialized Code?

Eastham, Wellfleet and Truro have done so. Orleans has not.

Has the Town Adopted as-of-right siting or renewable facilities?

Yes: Orleans is one of 16 towns adopting as-of right siting or renewable facilities.

Has the Energy Reduction Plan been adopted?

Yes: Orleans is one of 14 Cape towns adopting an Energy Reduction Plan. Four others are in process.

Does the Town have the Green Community Designation?

Orleans is one of 14 designated Green Communities on the Cape.

For more information, visit


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