
Sponsorship Opportunities for Net Zero 2024

The Climate Collaborative’s annual Net Zero conference is its signature event, drawing thousands of participants from the region, Commonwealth and country over the last five years. This important community event is offered free of charge thanks to the generosity of our business and nonprofit sponsors.

As an environmentally aware leader, your business or organization is offered an excellent opportunity to connect with a highly engaged audience, showcase your products and services, and advance the work of the Collaborative to reduce our region’s contributions to climate change and adapt to potentially devastating impacts.

Join past sponsorship leaders such as Cape Light Compact, Cape Cod 5, My Generation Energy, We Need A Vacation, and many others as a sponsor of Net Zero 2024!

“We’re honored to be able to sponsor this fabulous event! I’ve attended all of them and come away truly inspired every time. It’s THE event of the year to inspire action and you should all be so very proud. I am consistently impressed by the quality of the speakers and calls to action that are issued AND the sense of extreme urgency to MOVE NOW.”

– Jeff Talmadge, Co-Founder, WeNeedaVacation.com

Sponsorship Levels & Benefits

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