Latest Past Events

Eastham CAN presents “En-Lightened Living – A Solar Workshop for Cape Residents”

If you want to know more about how a home solar energy system can save you money while helping the planet, mark October 28 on your calendar.  The Eastham Climate Action Committee and partners will conduct ”. Local independent experts and homeowners will provide essential information to answer your questions. The event includes a tour of...

Composting for the Future: May 18 at Eastham Library

Composting for the Future Thursday, May 18 @ 6:00 pm at the Eastham Library  Learn all about the science of composting and how you can do it at home with Lor Holmes, a local Environmental Justice expert and manager at CERO Cooperative, an award-winning commercial composting company based out of Dorchester, MA.

Climate Change: Causes, Impacts, Implications for Cape Cod, and What We Can Do

Thursday, April 20, 6 pm at the Eastham Library: Climate Change: Causes, Impacts, Implications for Cape Cod, and What We Can Do with Jud Stailey, Climatologist/former acting NOAA Chief Scientist for OFCM. Come to listen, learn and participate in a sciences-based discussion (in layman’s terms!) on what is causing climate change, how it impacts our local weather, and...

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