Catalyzing Key Climate
Initiatives on the Cape
The Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative’s mission is to catalyze people and organizations to mitigate the ways in which we contribute to climate change as well as to adapt to and build resiliency to the impacts that are already emerging and inevitable.
We deliver on this mission in two ways. First, we catalyze change by identifying and convening the relevant local people and organizations around select climate topics to provide strategic support and facilitation in the development of coherent and coordinated vision, strategies, actions and advocacy. Second, we communicate and promote the progress on these initiatives
The Collaborative is currently focused on 3 initiatives
Making progress on key initiatives is often made possible only through the engagement and action of concerned citizens. And one of the most effective ways to enable concerned citizens to take action is through groups or “networks” of similarly interested people who can take coordinated action.
The Collaborative has helped establish two networks – The Cape Cod Climate Action Network (CC-CAN), which itself is a mini networks of town climate actions networks (0r CANs), and the Faith Communities Environmental Network (FCEN) – both of which have been valuable in advancing our accomplishments and are embedded in our strategies for advancing our current key initiatives.
If you are interested in joining the FCEN, click here
As we move forward, we will be creating additional networks, perhaps with concerned citizens or business leaders on the topics of Transportation, Conservation and Land Use, the Build Environment, Energy, or Education. If you are currently involved in or leading a group of concerned citizens on these topics and want to explore engaging directly with the Collaborative, click here.
Communication Channels
A crucial part of the advancing progress on the key initiatives is by communicating. Today, the Collaborative has multiple channels for communicating. In addition to our bi-weekly Newsletter, we utilize Climate Alerts, where we let readers know about upcoming events., initiatives or calls to action. We also have a large collection of climate-focused videos, culled from our annual Net Zero conferences. And of course we post regularly on all social media channels.
If you haven’t already, please sign up for our newsletter and follow us on:
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