Eastham Climate Action Network
Eastham CAN is a group of volunteers working to catalyze Eastham government, businesses, citizens, and other stakeholders to take decisive steps to reduce carbon emissions that accelerate climate change. Coastal communities like Eastham have a lot at stake when it comes to climate change. We recognize the need for urgent action to address the worsening climate emergency.
Our goal is to help Eastham reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 or sooner. We welcome your ideas, questions, and participation. Please get in touch with us at easthamclimateaction@gmail.com.

Source: www.eastham-ma.gov
Eastham Climate Action Committee
The Eastham Climate Action Committee is an official citizen member advisory appointed by the Town of Eastham’s Select Board. The Committee’s primary purpose is to study and make recommendations to the Select Board regarding methods for minimizing the Town’s carbon footprint and the town’s vulnerabilities to the consequences of climate change. To get in touch and learn more about what we do, view the complete Climate Action Committee charge here.
What We’re Doing
Our Eastham CAN volunteers initiated and advocated on behalf of a Climate Emergency Declaration that was approved overwhelmingly at Eastham’s September 2020 Town Meeting.
In partnership with the Eastham Library in 2021, we also sponsored a webinar presentation “Arctic Meltdown and Why It Matters” by Dr. Jennifer Francis, Senior Scientist at Woodwell Climate Research Center.
Eastham CAN presents: “En-lightened Living ~ A Solar Workshop for Cape Residents”. October 28, 2:00 – 400 PM
If you want to know more about how a home solar energy system can save you money while helping the planet, mark October 28 on your calendar. The Eastham Climate Action Committee and partners will conduct “En-Lightened Living – A Solar Workshop for Cape Residents”. Local independent experts and homeowners will provide essential information to answer your questions. The event includes a tour of local homes that have systems in place . “En-Lightened Living” will take place Saturday, October 28, from 10am to 1pm at the Eastham Public Library, with home tours to follow from 2:00-4:00. There is no charge for this event, but seats are limited. So, please register—by October 21: https://easthamlibrary.libcal.com/event/11004908
For more information, please email easthamclimateaction@gmail.com
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Cape Cod Climate Collaborative Newsletter
Updates on legislation, events and actions, climate facts, and an action spotlight featuring climate achievements.
Town CANs
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