Orleans Climate Action Network Impact on Climate Resiliency

In January 2024 the Orleans Climate Action Network (OCAN) set a six-month goal of forming a network of Orleans environment non-profits and groups. This initiative is a response to the risk that what is already being done to ensure Orleans’ climate-resiliency may not be enough. For the sake of current and future generations, that’s a risk “we” can’t take. We can do together what no one organization can do alone.     

OCAN is recruiting Orleans-specific organizations as members of the network and Cape-wide organizations as network advisors to work together toward the common purpose of creating Orleans climate resiliency. 

OCAN is relying on the book Impact Networks, by David Ehrlichman, as a guidebook. Designed to “create connection, spark collaboration, and catalyze systemic change,” the book speaks to the promise of network formation. OCAN member Carole Combs, with depth of experience in developing an Impact Network of environmental organizations in California’s Central Valley/SouthernSierra Tulare Basin Watershed, will lead this work. Currently, the Orleans Conservation Trust has committed to participating in an initial meeting, to be convened in late summer/early fall. The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts and the Cape Light Compact Board Chair will act as advisors. OCAN members are currently meeting with other Orleans groups to encourage their involvement.


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