Orleans Comprehensive Plan: Visioning Workshops November 16 & December 5

climate collaboration

Orleans is working on a Comprehensive Plan that will serve as the roadmap for our community for the next 20 years.  Your voice is needed!

Community Visioning Workshops will be held on November 16, 5:30-7:30, at the Council on Aging, and 3-5, December 5, at the Police Station.

What’s your role in the planning?  Engaging all members of the community is critical in shaping a plan for present and future generations.  Orleans faces the impacts of climate change in all aspects of our lives: housing, economy, transportation, natural resources and working lands, and community well-being. A new plan will address Natural, Built, and Community systems.

For more information, please contact the Orleans Planning Department at: https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/297/Planning

Phone: 508-240-3700 ext. 2435


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