Orleans welcomed over 80 participants to Water and Climate Change on Cape Cod, held on June 14 at the Snow Library. We appreciate our terrific speakers, Rich Delaney and Katie Castagno (Center for Coastal Studies), Mark Riel (Town of Orleans), and moderator Shelly McComb (WHOI Sea Grant), who provided great information that should inspire us all to make a difference. This event was part of a series of events that took place across Cape Cod as part of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant Program Climate Resilience Week.
Town of Orleans sponsors included the Marine and Freshwater Quality, the Energy and Climate Action Committee, and the Shellfish and Waterways Improvement Advisory Committee. Non-profit sponsors included the Center for Coastal Studies, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the Orleans Conservation Trust, At Home With Nature, the Orleans Pond Coalition, and the Orleans Climate Action Network.
Interested in viewing the program? Here’s the zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/NLndQOwT8Y-NClYSQEw7pURUWv00eVeL_O4bstvmVJnt3TPx-Z0XPGsCyH3JtqK0.OZTyh-cwowllB3dk